Friday, November 18, 2011


Basketball has been part of my life for as long as I can remember.  I have two older brothers, therefore, because of them, at a young age I started to get into the sport.  Until this day, I keep on playing and I am extremely sad that this is my last year of high school basketball.  Just recently, I tore my ACL and my doctor is not allowing me to play until I get surgery and fully recover.  But, since it is my last year I wouldn't miss it for the world.  Therefore, I started to play but I am being extremely careful.  After season, I plan on getting surgery and I hope I can start playing again as soon as possible.  I love the sport and I am so sad that the NBA is on lockout.  I guess its time to watch WNBA!

The Rebecca

Well there is this girl named Rebecca Chirishian.  She is the best piano player I know.  She is extremely talented and one of my closest friends.  We have gone through a lot together in these past few years, but we were able to get over it and just laugh about how stupid those fights were.  Back to the piano part, when she plays it inspires me to play myself and one day I will be her manager and take her all around the world LOL.  Anyways, I could go on forever talking about her but I don't have time because it is a Friday night.  We see each other basically every day and we always have something to do, talk about, and laugh about.  We do crazy things together and laugh about things that people wont find funny, it is the best!  We will soon be going to New York with each other and we CANT waittttttt.  Oh, and see has turned me to be hayastanci like she is with all her words and phrases its the best. 

P.S. I am only writing about her because she is sitting right next time me and she made me :) 

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

My First Job

Finally, after submitting all those applications and going from one store to the other, I got my very first job at Toys R Us.  I was extremely excited when I got the call for the group interview, but I was so nervous.  After the 3 hour long interview i had to wait up to a week to find out if I got the job or not.  Patiently waiting, just after about three days, I got a phone call and it was the HR Manager and he told me that I got the job.  I could not believe it I was so happy.  Then, he told me that my first day of training will be on Halloween.  I walked in dressed in a spongebob shirt and tie and I was excited for my first day.  At first it was a little tough, but as a few days of working went by, I got really used to the job.  I love it so much because I grew up in Toys R Us and now its my turn to help all those parents and kids find what they are looking for.  It is sometimes annoying when I do not know where something is, but I am getting used to it, and just happy that I finally found myself a job!

Mini Cooper

July 4, 2011, this was probably one of the happiest days of my life.  I have been dreaming about owning a mini cooper for a while.  I had toy mini's in my room just dreaming of the day that I could have one.  On July 4, my parents gave me a phone call and asked me to come downstairs and help bring in the groceries.  This is something I usually do so there was nothing suspicious about this.  As I walked downstairs, my parents told me to go outside and bring the rest of the bags inside.  I was walking towards my mom's car and at first I did not realize.  I did a double take and right in front of my eyes was my dream car, the mini cooper.  I could not believe what I saw, I did not even go by the car, I just ran straight inside towards my parents.  I gave them the biggest hug and the first thing I asked was, "is this mine!"  They said of course, and that was the moment when I ran back outside.  I remember being the happiest teenager ever!  And to top it all off, because of the amazing moment, we then drove my new mini to have some Sushi!  This was definitely the best day of my life

Thursday, November 10, 2011

AJ - my cousin's son - my nephew

Throughout my life, I have been considered the youngest in my family.  Until about a little over a year ago, my first cousin, had her first baby boy, AJ.  I was finally not considered the youngest, and I was ecstatic to see my nephew.   Seeing him for the first time, was probably the greatest thing in the world.  I had never grown up to see little babies, and be able to feed them or play with them.  Because of this, I was finally getting the opportunity to do so.  I have never felt this feeling before, of holding a baby and seeing a new life come in to the world, and especially to our family.  As he got to be a little over 1 years old, he started to learn who I was.  One day, I was at their house and I started to walk away from him, and all of a sudden he screams out DEENA! He said it so perfectly I turned around with a huge smile on my face and I could not believe that he has already learned who I was.  I gave him a big hug and I started to play some sport games with him.  I had never felt this feeling before, and even though he is my first cousin's baby, I feel extremely close to him.  I love him with all my heart and I miss him every time I walk away from him.  Having him in my life is amazing and I can not wait until he starts to get bigger and bigger.  Oh and I will not forget that when he grows up, I will make sure he is mature and he knows what he is doing! :) 


For some, concerts are not a big deal and they do not enjoy them.  On the other hand, going to concerts is a great experience to me.  Listening to my favorite artists or songs on my iPod, in my car, on the radio is not enough, I feel like it is extremely important to attend concerts.  When I attend this big event, I feel closer to the music and I enjoy going very much.  Every opportunity I get, I try to attend the concerts that I love!  I will never forget my first attendance at a concert which was Justin Timberlake's concert. Seeing him for the first time ever was incredibly.  I felt like I was in a dream because I could not believe that I was about to hear one of my favorite artist at the time singing live.  I was mezmorized as he started to sing my favorite songs.  Not only was he putting on a great performance, we got an unexpected surprise.  All of a sudden, Kanye West pops out of no were and does a song with Justin.  My friends and I started to scream because we could not believe what we were seeing.  I had an amazing time and I definitely wish I could go back to this night.  This was my first concert, therefore, it is extremely memorable to me.  Other concerts that I have attended besides Justin's is Britney Spears, Lil Wayne, Black Eyed Peas, and I could never forget the Armenchik Concert.  I plan to attend many more concerts in the near future!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

One Tree Hill

One Tree Hill is not an experience, but it is something that I have watched for several years now and I feel like it is important to my life.  For example, One Tree Hill is a show that starts out in high school and it goes through all the difficulties, fun times, and life lessons that these group of teenagers go through.  I have learned a lot from this show, I have laughed, and it made me think.  I will always remember this TV show because I believe that it is important to me.  Lastly, if anyone ever asks me what is my favorite show, without thinking I will shout out ONE TREE HILL!